The show also made global stars of its ensemble cast, with the likes of Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington and Maisie Williams becoming household names, with Peter Dinklage going on to win an Emmy for his role as Tyrion Lannister. Responsible for phrases like 'winter is coming' and 'valar morghulis' entering the common lexicon, its mix of backstabbing plots, dragons and 80s action movie levels of sex proved irresistible for 'one-more episode' binge watching. Streaming options: HBO Max (US) | Crave (CA) | Sky Go (UK) | Binge (AUS)
Weiss,Ĭast: Sean Bean, Richard Madden, Kit Harrington, Gwendoline Christie, Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams